Property. Unique identifier of the entity
Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity
Must match regular expression:^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$
Must be at least 1
characters long
Must be at most 256
characters long
Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity
Property. Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform.
Property. Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform.
Property. A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object.
Property. The name of this item.
Property. An alternative name for this item
Property. A description of this item
Property. A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity.
Property. A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s)
Property. list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item
Must contain a minimum of 1
Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon
Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. Point
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 4
Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. LineString
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 4
Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. Polygon
Must contain a minimum of 4
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 4
Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 4
Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 4
Geoproperty. Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString
Must contain a minimum of 4
Must contain a minimum of 2
Must contain a minimum of 4
Property. The mailing address. Model:''
Property. The street address. Model:''
Property. The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region. Model:''
Property. The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country. Model:''
Property. The country. For example, Spain. Model:''
Property. The postal code. For example, 24004. Model:''
Property. The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578. Model:''
Property. The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided. Model:''
Property. Model:''. Sensor: A device that detects and responds to events or changes in the physical environment such as light, motion, or temperature changes. actuator : A device responsible for moving or controlling a mechanism or system. Meter : A device built to accurately detect and display a quantity in a form readable by a human being. Partially defined by SAREF. HVAC : Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) device that provides indoor environmental comfort. Network : A device used to connect other devices in a network, such as hub, switch or router in a LAN or Sensor network. ( Multimedia : A device designed to display, store, record or play multimedia content such as audio, images, animation, video. Enum:'actuator, beacon, endgun, HVAC, implement, irrSection, irrSystem, meter, multimedia, network, sensor'
Property. Model:''. Anything that can be sensed, measured or controlled by. Enum:'airPollution, atmosphericPressure, averageVelocity, batteryLife, batterySupply, cdom, conductance, conductivity, depth, eatingActivity, eatingActivity, electricityConsumption, energy, fillingLevel, freeChlorine, gasConsumption, gateOpening, heading, humidity, light, location, milking, motion, movementActivity, noiseLevel, occupancy, orp, pH, power, precipitation, pressure, refractiveIndex, salinity, smoke, soilMoisture, solarRadiation, speed, tds, temperature, trafficFlow, tss, turbidity, waterConsumption, waterFlow, waterLevel, waterPollution, weatherConditions, weight, windDirection, windSpeed'
Property. Model:''. Supported protocol(s) or networks. Model:'3g, bluetooth, bluetooth LE, cat-m, coap, ec-gsm-iot, gprs, http, lwm2m, lora, lte-m, mqtt, nb-iot, onem2m, sigfox, ul20, websocket'
Property. Model:''. The MAC address of the device.
Must match regular expression:^([[:xdigit:]]{2}[:.-]?){5}[[:xdigit:]]{2}$
Property. NGSI Entity type. It has to be AccessPoint
Property. Model:''. Enum:'up, down'. Indicates whether the access point is working (value: up), or it is not working or shut down (value: down). Model:''. Enum:'up, down'
Property. Model:''. Number of clients or users connected to the access point.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
Property. Model:''. List of the names of the SSID (service set identifier) that the access point generates. One access point can generate one or several SSID.
Property. Model:''. This attribute is used to assign the access point to one or several municipal service departments that receive the wireless service. For example: Library, Museums, Social Services, Sports...
Relationship. Model:''. The point of interest where the access point is located and provides the service.
Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity
Must match regular expression:^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$
Must be at least 1
characters long
Must be at most 256
characters long
Property. Identifier format of any NGSI entity
Property. Model:''. Timestamp saved by FIWARE's IoT Agent. Note: This attribute has not been harmonized to keep backwards compatibility with current FIWARE reference implementations.
Property. Email address of owner.
Property. Model:''. A timestamp which denotes when the device was installed (if it requires installation).
Property. Model:''. A timestamp which denotes the last time when the device was successfully rebooted.
Property. Model:''. A timestamp which denotes the last time when the device successfully reported data to the cloud.
Property. Model:''. The firmware version of this device.
Property. Model:''. The hardware version of this device.
Property. Model:''. The IP address of the device.
Property. Model:''. Device's model name.
Property. Model:''. The version of the host operating system device.
Property. Model:''. The serial number assigned by the manufacturer.
Property. Model:''. The software version of this device.